Neustiftgasse 117
La Nuova Scuola
Out of a total of over 1,200 submissions, our building was selected for in-depth work in the second stage of four competitions under jury chairman Renzo Piano. Three of the projects were actually submitted by PPAG for the second stage of the competitions.
They were awarded the following placements by the jury: 3rd prize for Cento (Emilia Romagna), 4th prize for Foggia (Puglia) and 4th prize for Boviso-Masciago (Lombardy).
Comprehensive School Krampnitz
Children’s Center Pechegarten
German School Stiehle Cuenca
In the middle of the southern Ecuadorian Andes right away from the city Cuenca – UNESCO World Cultural Capital – PPAG are building the German School Stiehle.
Large modular primary school
Allee der Kosmonauten
Integrated secondary school (ISS), high school, gym