The entire headquarters of the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe (German for St. John's Accident Assistance) is to be restructured at its traditional base in Berlin Mitte. The existing buildings are too small - despite sublets in the neighborhood. The workforce is growing. The pandemic has left its mark and closer cooperation and restructuring of all departments is intended [...]

Affordable housing in a prime location in Berlin: 78 residential units and 2 commercial units, KfW standard 55.
A new building for degewo in a construction gap near Gleisdreieck. The urgency of affordable inner-city housing suggests that as many apartments as possible should be built at this location. A forecourt is formed at the corner with the narrow alley, avoiding the unexposed interior corner. No apartment is exclusively north-facing. The project shows floor plans common in the housing market. A more radical original variant, that challenges these usages in favor of more urban lifestyles, was rejected by the client.

The project called OPEN UP! implements the concept of a new Viennese apartment building. The new Vienna Zinshaus is a flexible, hybrid, de-specialized building. Within the skeleton construction, the premises can be changed with the needs and demands of today's and future residents or users and offer a high degree of flexibility and sustainable use. [...]

Conversion of a Gründerzeit street salesroom into separate office and flat