Rural areas are developing in line with the times. At the Pogusch in the Austrian Alps, Birgit and Heinz Reitbauer prove this at an altitude of 1050 m: PPAG architects, the minds behind the extension of the Steirereck restaurant in Vienna’s Stadtpark in 2015, also won the competition for the new formation of the Steirereck am Pogusch in 2018. The extensive construction project was completed in spring 2022. The complex now includes a farm, a biomass power plant, as well as hospitality and gastronomy of the highest standard. PPAG architects are responsible for completely renewed structures in the inn and kitchen, a new gazebo and two unconventional glass houses (with a garden for rare plants as kitchen hinterland, overnight accommodation in cabanes and a multi-storey spa). The realization, in collaboration with the best handicraft companies, allowed for a nowadays unusual level of detail

Wohnen ist eine Beschäftigung mit sich selbst.   Schneewittchen rückt maximal in die Nordwestecke. Schlankheit. Minimale Beeinträchtigung der Umgebung. Wirkung entlang der Taborstraße geschwächt. Einführung eines (höhen)vermittelnden Körpers mit städtebaulicher Wirkung entlang der Taborstraße und der Bruno-Marek-Allee. Dramaturgie eines konzentrierten Ensembles im Zentrum des vielseitigen Rands. Vernetzung der Freiräume: Vorbereich Taborstraße, Arkade, Durchlässigkeit zur Bruno-Marek-Allee, [...]
View from Wasserburggasse DOESN'T LOOK THAT HIGH AT ALL! - The high-rise family is growing together.   Height concentration in the middle of the property, away from the neighbours, without burdening the Bahnstraße. At Nordberg-/Althanstraße, a sequence of heights that communicate with the existing stock. The city within the city opens up dynamic and exciting [...]